‘Globalization’ – the increasing integration of different countries through the movement of goods and services, capital and people – can be a powerful force for improving people’s living standards and expanding the ranges of choices open to them. But it can also be disruptive – and many people are opposed to it for ideological reasons. I gave a series of talks on the topic in the early 2000s which are reproduced here.
Critics call for World Trade Organization reform
Globalization, Recent Media Interview, The Global Economy | 27th July 2022Saul Eslake talks to TRT-World about calls for reform of the World Trade Organization ahead of a meeting of its General Council in Geneva on 26th-27th July
New Threats to Globalization
Globalization | 12th April 2007Address to the 20th Asian Trade Promotion Forum, the Sydney Opera House, 12th April 2007
Globalization: Keeping the Gains
Globalization | 17th August 2003Presentation to a series of workshops arranged by Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Trade Advocacy and Outreach Section, 2003
The Gains and Losses from Globalization
Globalization | 13th August 2003Address to the 14th International Farm Management Congress – Burswood Resort, Perth, 13th August 2003
Globalization, Economic Policy and Democracy
Globalization, Publications | 3rd August 2001A review of ‘Elect the Ambassador! – Building Democracy in a Globalized World’ by Duncan Kerr MP, and ‘For the People: Reclaiming our Government – Labor Essays 2001’, by Dennis Glover and Glen Patmore. Published in the Australian Journal of Social Issues, Vol. 36, No. 3, August 2001
The Drivers of Globalization
Globalization | 20th November 2000Presentation to a Regional Defence Seminar hosted by the Australian Department of Defence, 20th November 2000
Globalization – Unprecendented? Inevitable? Irreversible? Beneficial?
Globalization | 30th August 2000Address to the 12th Rado Executive Luncheon, 30th August 2000